Well I sold the AK. It wasn't really for sale but everything is really for sale. I'm going to convert the money into either an AR-10 or a savage switch barrel setup. I can't decide. Also, if I take the AR-10 route would I go with Armalite or Rock River Arms. I like the longer barreled ARs because I use a little one at work. I always tell people that the M-16 was made to shoot and the M4 was made to carry. That shorter sight radius is a big deal.
30 April 2008
Well I sold the AK. It wasn't really for sale but everything is really for sale. I'm going to convert the money into either an AR-10 or a savage switch barrel setup. I can't decide. Also, if I take the AR-10 route would I go with Armalite or Rock River Arms. I like the longer barreled ARs because I use a little one at work. I always tell people that the M-16 was made to shoot and the M4 was made to carry. That shorter sight radius is a big deal.
26 April 2008
On-line picture gallery
We're slowly learning how to use this new computer. Macs are more user friendly for sure. We are currently at the hospital in Athens with Vanessa's new little brother Cole. He weighs 8 lbs and is 20 1/2 in long. This gave us a great opportunity to use our web gallery. Check out all of our pictures at our picture gallery If it doesn't work copy and paste http://gallery.mac.com/gtmiller21#gallery into your browser.
25 April 2008
Tour De Traffic
24 April 2008
Baby Shower
Today Vanessa's work threw Ellie a baby
shower. It was awesome to see how much support Vanessa has at work. Her kindness and addictive personality draw great people to her. God's plan has surely been favorable to us and hopefully we can raise Ellie in a way to mirror her mother. It was great to see Vanessa open gifts from her friends. Here is an actions shot.
Half-way through the shower a lady walked up to me crying and said her son was in Iraq and today is his birthday. She had seen me in uniform earlier in the hall. She abruptly said she had to go and left. This was a great reminder of the sacrifice everyday people make for the greatest nation on Earth. It makes it harder to listen to people gripe that don't even have "a dog in the race."
22 April 2008
Back in the groove
It always takes me a few days after I get back to get in the groove but I'm there. Ft. McClellan was ridiculous. I can't believe I had never been there in 7+ years. Today I did something I don't usually do. I picked up a hitch-hiker. He wasn't the average hitch-hiker though. He was 75 years old and leaving a doctors appointment. He could barely walk. He only needed to go a few miles. I figured that if I couldn't take him I needed to quit.
I knocked out a research paper and went to dinner with Pat and Steve tonight. It was fun. It's great weather for the top down on Pat's jeep. I'm sure I'll miss it when I'm at NTC.
As I thought, my ruck appeared the day I left for Ft. McClellan. I have it now and it is awesome. I can't wait to load it down with crap and walk across California.
09 April 2008
Special Groups?
According to GEN Petraeus "Special groups" are the new enemy in Iraq. When asked what conditions would look like for the redeployment of US troops he said, "I'll know it when I see it." I find this very strange. It is called an end-state and is part of every military operations order I have ever given or heard. We make Cadets do it! You have to describe what you are going to accomplish so that everyone knows when you are done. It is much more simplistic than a mission statement. Possibly, like many others this knowledge escaped his head when he was promoted to MAJ across the field-grade divide. Or maybe it is a result of growing up in a peace-time Army. I also wonder why he referred to "special groups" instead of an insurgency? I then remembered that Barak and Hilary were present along with a few hundred other easily confused politicians. I guess he knows his audience.

08 April 2008
New Computer
It's been a long time coming but we finally got a new computer. We decided to switch over to a mac. It's pretty cool so far. It'll take some getting used to but it will be better in the long run. I mostly bought it because the guy selling it to us has one arm. It was a huge selling point. I can't wait to see Vanessa use it for pictures. Maybe we can take some in Chattanooga tomorrow.
On a different note, the Tremblays are expecting baby Madison any time now. I can't wait to see her! I know Christina will be relieved and Paul will be crazy.
05 April 2008
Private Security Contracting
A void was created sometime between Korea and Vietnam after the United States became the kinder, caring, sensitive world police. This void is currently being filled by private security contractors across the world. Their pay is good but the system is set up so that if they are hurt their companies can leave them high and dry. They make it look like they are self-employed. Pay generally ranges from $300-$1200 a day. They have been in the news lately because they are immune from Iraq prosecution and the Iraqi people don't like them because they kill civilians. I blame the Iraqi people for being too lazy to govern themselves. War in Iraq would end if the Iraq people were patriotic and not waiting to be given everything. Until then civilians will continue to die just as every other war.
03 April 2008
Fun continues

Well, as usual, my perfect score in my executive leadership class came to an end with the first test. I got an 87 despite only 3 hours of same-day studying. I hope I can get this masters program knocked out between training events and deployment. We'll see how it goes.
I got a little money from air assault school and I have decided to purchase a tactical tailor ruck sack. I retired my old issue ruck after the 12 mile at air assault. This one will not give me the cool scars that chicks dig but I think I'll be okay. The padding is a lot better and I look forward to the quick release buckles. It's the little things that make the difference. I'll have to take an old one to ranger school if I get a slot in October so I can't get too excited.
I'm also excited about the new levels coming out on call of duty 4 for xbox 360. I guess that officially makes me a video game dork.
Revolutionary Equipment

Leupold, US rifle scope maker, has introduced a revolutionary product. It is the Leupold prismatic scope. It is much like the popular CCO (Close Combat Optic) produced by Aimpoint. The cons of the Aimpoint were obviously considered. Battery life is no longer an issue because the prismatic also has an etched crosshair that can be used if the illuminated reticle is inop. The illumination element in the prismatic can also be removed if it's not needed. If I find myself in charge of procurement and fielding, as I have latley, my Soldiers will carry these! Check them out at http://www.leupold.com/.
Also, welcome back to SGT Trevor Dunn. I knew that he would come back in when the word "deployment" was in the air. I wonder if he reviewed his 260 point reasons not to re-enlist document before signing again?
01 April 2008
Impossible Tax System
So get this. Our tax system is so ridiculous that I used H&R Block free tax software to do my taxes. I owed $1200 after itemized deductions. My brother-in-law Lewis, suggested I go see his CPA. I was reluctant at first because Lewis doesn't really seem like the kind of guy that has a CPA. Nothing against Lewis he is just a true blue-collar guy. I went to the CPA and now we are getting back a ton of money. Not because I did our taxes wrong, but because of several loop-holes that CPAs know about. This is a great example of people with money getting breaks while people without enough money get screwed on their taxes. By the way, the people who make the decision in our country take advantage of our current tax system and don't have the integrity to change to a fair system. From now on I vote for someone who supports the fairtax and suggest that others that want a strong economy do the same. Oh yea, and those that want my vote.
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