Vickers Tactical Sling: This sling is awesome, it allows you to adjust your sling with your non-firing hand. This is handy for carrying an M4 style rifle with and without body armor and most importantly when
switching between the two very often. It is pleasant not to have to deal with the crap slings that I've tried for years. The other slings have too many straps hanging off and a strap that can block the sight pictures. This sling lies very flat against the body. The down-side for me is that it doesn't fit the M16 platform very well. The side-mounted sling swivels are a must. You can purchase the M16 adapter but it is bulky and ugly. The universal drawback is the price at around 50 USD. I'll pay it though.

Blackhawk Serpa Holster: I just got this item today for my Kimber Warrior (yes, it provides clearance for the rail). It has a paddle and a belt configuration and keeps the pistol close enough to the body to carry concealed. The price is right to at around 35 USD. I've seen the military version with the paddle, belt, and molle configurations. The belt configuration is my favorite even with body armor. I have to have one for the M9; unfortunately I will have to put an M9 in it!