22 December 2008

Gear Update

I've been updating and upgrading a lot of gear lately. Two items that I have found I will no longer be able to do without:

Vickers Tactical Sling: This sling is awesome, it allows you to adjust your sling with your non-firing hand. This is handy for carrying an M4 style rifle with and without body armor and most importantly when
 switching between the two very often. It is pleasant not to have to deal with the crap slings that I've tried for years. The other slings have too many straps hanging off and a strap that can block the sight pictures. This sling lies very flat against the body. The down-side for me is that it doesn't fit the M16 platform very well. The side-mounted sling swivels are a must. You can purchase the M16 adapter but it is bulky and ugly. The universal drawback is the price at around 50 USD. I'll pay it though.

Blackhawk Serpa Holster: I just got this item today for my Kimber Warrior (yes, it provides clearance for the rail).  It has a paddle and a belt configuration and keeps the pistol close enough to the body to carry concealed. The price is right to at around 35 USD. I've seen the military version with the paddle, belt, and molle configurations. The belt configuration is my favorite even with body armor. I have to have one for the M9; unfortunately I will have to put an M9 in it!

19 December 2008

6.8 SPC revisited

While I was away I got to run by Mom and Dad's house and go to a nice dinner with them. It was a good time. Dad and I were discussing the 6.8SPC. You're in luck Dad, here's the lefty in 6.8. Check it out at Stag Arms. It retails for a mere 1,095.00.

A guy commented on another post of mine that .223 AR magazines can be used in the 6.8 SPC with no modification and he may be correct. However, the 6.8 SPC magazines on the market now have different followers, different thicknesses, and different feed rails. I wouldn't trust my life, hunt, or day at the range to a mag not designed for use in the 6.8 SPC. Spend a grand on a rifle and just a few more bucks on the proper mags! The moral of the story is that I need a right-handed version. Just the upper, really.

I know the 6.8 SPC was based on the .30 Newton cartridge so that it would fit in the standard AR-15 upper but I think a .308 AR-10 would be cool with a .277 barrel to fire a .270-08. That's a .308 case necked-down to a .277 bullet. I know, too similar to a 7mm-08. It would still be cool though. It would also be short, and short is all the rage right now.

Back from FT Stewart

I haven't blogged in a while so I have a lot to say. Time's getting short here at home so I'm spending every possible moment at home with the girls. I just got back from FT. Stewart for a week. This provided me with a glimpse of how much I will miss them when I go on the big trip. Quite a challenge ahead. I'm glad to be home but just found out we'll be working Monday when we thought we would be off. Just the first of many "bummer" situation to come in this whole process. Like being away isn't bad enough. Anyhow, enough complaining.

I met a guy at FT Stewart that had the "President's One Hundred" tab. It is the most rare tab in the Army so it's pretty cool to see one. Click here to read more about it. He was an officer which is even more rare. He hooked me up
 with some great load data that I can't share due to the "hot" nature of the loads. I got more from this than the entire week-long course.