Obama is still doing well around the US. I thought that America would never elect another president with no military service. The last one worked out so well. Other than having an affair and lying to the American people. Maybe senator Obama has better values that he picked up in Indonesia or Kenya or his islamic reform school. I'm sure this background will facilitate classic democratic ideas such as taking from those who can and giving to those who won't. Eventually those who can won't, because it will make no difference. When Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines lose the will to fight America is done. Is it time to cash out and move to a tropical climate? We could really use Ronald Regan right now!
The tax system has needed an overhaul for a long time. It has been ignored by politicians because they profit from the loopholes and confusion. They obviously will not help the common people because that puts them on an even playing field. Democratic politician continue to place themselves in the same category as illegal immigrants, drug dealers, and mobsters.
Osama Bin Laden's son is driving a Jeep and speaking against his father. Big deal, every kid denounces his father at some point on some issue but there's nothing more American than a Jeep. I'll be happy when Osama Bin Laden is dead and the Afghan people can operate independently. One day maybe they can even live in the 21st century.

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