23 June 2008

Weekend Events

What an interesting weekend.  I ended up going to drill this weekend after all with my new unit. My first impression was pretty harsh but it got a little better as time went on. I took a surprise PT test and it went well considering I just got back from NTC and I'm just getting back into the whole workout routine. I finished first out of about 70 on the run which surprised me. All of the extra running I have been doing has paid off. More on the unit later.

Pat took the 4-wheeler to David for me at church even though I wasn't there. Maybe there is hope for it after all. I can't wait to see what happens after someone that knows what they are doing has a look at it.

The basement project has progressed. I just finished what I consider phase 2, the wiring, and yes it all works. Phase 3 is the step I dread most, drywall. We'll see how it turns out. I may check out some internet tutorials before I dive in.

I'm reading a really good book right now on Afghanistan. Michael Scheuer writes in a very straight forward fashion and he calls people out by name that have not done their job. He was a CIA guy for 20 years and actually holds people accountable. Hopefully this idea will spread.

Vanessa and I had a nice quiet dinner tonight in Cumming. It was great to sit together and talk. We have started doing a nightly devotional and it has been great for both of us.

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