28 August 2008

Change of Plans

Plans are very interesting. I and many others get paid good money to make plans. Nothing ever goes according to our plans. We planned to go to Monterey, CA to the Navy Post-Graduate School to take a course on Afghanistan. We ended up stuck in Yuma, AZ for 2 nights and 3 days doing nothing.

If that wasn't enough. I found out that I will not be able to go to Ft. Benning in September unless some money shows up or the situation changes dramatically. This is perfect because I passed up several other schools and another semester of master's classes for this opportunity. 

All is not lost because it will be a great time hanging out with Vanessa and Ellie until deployment. Who knows what else God has planned for me down the road. Every once in a while I need a reminder to stop trying to figure everything out and it has never been more clear.

On to new business, where am I going to hunt!

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