19 November 2008

Professional Reading

I've been amped up lately about professional reading now that we know more about where we're going. I've become obsessed with taliban tactics. Here's a couple of book reviews:

Kill Bin Laden by Dalton Fury:
Dalton Fury was the Delta Force commander during the Tora Bora assault. He highlights how the Afghan people fight (mostly how they don't) and the corruption that exist in their ranks. If you want to study the people read this book! It's not an action thriller because no Americans fired a shot! They sure coordinated air support though.

Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell was a Navy SEAL on a four-man team that got compromised in the same Hindu Kush region. It's a great action packed book that honors those that didn't survive. It's a great look into taliban tactics. It was too heavy on SEAL training especially because I've already become familiar with SEAL training. There is a great lesson in there about trusting the instincts that military training gives you and going against what might feel right because we're westerners.

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