17 January 2009

Home for a minute

I'm home! It took long enough. As I was coming home yesterday the downtown connector and the section of 285 I needed to use where both shut down completely. It took me a couple extra hours to get home. Anyway, we've completed our first two weeks of training and we got a whole lot done at the expense of sleep and comfort. That's definitely how we play the game though. The weather was a little more extreme than I thought. We ran our first spur ride for our squadron. It is a gauntlet of events and if you make it you earn the coveted spurs. It was a great success and 100% of those who finished all tasks needed medical attention when it was all over. 5 new spur holders joined the ranks.

I sure am glad to see my girls. This last two weeks reminded me of how much I will miss them in the near future.

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