25 June 2008

Things that suck

COMCAST! Comcast service sucks, their customer service sucks, and their company sucks. For the past two weeks or so my Internet has been so slow that I would fail if I was in school right now. It is also very annoying when playing online video games. I think Call of Duty 4 is getting old but the moral of the story is Comcast sucks.

On the topic of things that suck. The United States' ability to compete with foreign information warfare. Every time a kid gets killed overseas it is an American's fault according to the local authorities (can you really say authorities yet?). The other day when the Pakistani army was firing on US forces on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan they got lit up. An air strike killed some 11-13 Pakistani army. Pakistan told their people that the United States attack was unprompted. I'm sure this is complete BS if you know what kind of approval you need for a 500 lbs bomb.

These unfortunate souls that live in caves and shanties have been kept uneducated by their own government, hate America because we suck at information warfare. They all go by the WIIFM theory. That's "what's in it for me!" If we can give these people the information we have and some sort of quality of life that will keep everything peaceful for a few minutes. Then they will screw it up again but we know that going in.

Here's another idea. Let's quit kissing Israel's rear and maybe the Muslim world won't hate us so much. If anybody knows why we support Israel's every move please let me know.  Anyway, we suck at information warfare and we will continue to suck at it until we start using our technology and help these people out.


pat gillen said...

some pent up frustration? That's how you got full price for the trailer! :)

The Israel thing is two-fold [short answers]: (1) It's a Christian thing, the Bible talks about Israel being God's chosen people, etc. and (2) the whole Holocaust thing is what prompted Israel's 'recreation' - pushing Palestinians from their land, which is enough to make anyone unhappy.
Jerusalem is the most fought over city in history... so of course jumping in on that isn't good for your health - but it could be the right thing to do.

As a sidenote, Muslims will always be mad at anyone who is not muslim.

Anonymous said...

Hello Geoffrey,

Although I can't do much about our situation over seas, I would be more than happy to assist with your internet issues. If you would like my assistance in getting this fixed, please email me at We_Can_Help@cable.comcast.com. I apologize for any inconveniences we caused. We appreciate the feedback and look forward to better serving you.

Best Regards,
Melissa M.
Comcast Customer Connect
National Customer Operations