13 October 2008

It's been a while

Generally I don't have enough for the bulleted list but here it goes:

- Went shooting today with Steven and Scott, I shot well and so did everyone else. We should. My .223 reloads shot the tightest with zero malfunctions. The .270 reloads were perfect as well shooting .5 in groups all day.  Scott got laid-off from the engineering firm so he's going to do America's dirty work for the big dollars again. I could tell he wasn't too upset. What a stellar guy.

-Steven, good luck at ranger school, drink the cool-aid and embrace the suck. Good luck trying to be the grey man. (The grey man goes unnoticed; he's not the best and not the worst)

-Catalyst was unlike anything I have ever seen. Leadership is leadership in any capacity but none is more important. It's been a long time since I was inspired by someone. I need to study more. I look forward to Dusty coming to work in Calhoun. We get some serious Bible studying in just about anywhere with any amount of time.

-Driving to Calhoun is rough, I'm excited about gas going down for sure.

-It's been great hanging with the family this weekend. I love picking up Ellie from next door a little early. We get some quality time in before mom gets home.

-We missed the Sauls at church this weekend. We've been praying for Jason's brother's quick recovery.

-Looking forward to starting back on my training program tomorrow. It's great after a long drive.

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