The Army is looking for a replacement for the M4. Word on the street is that it will start showing up in summer 09. Realistically we can look for it about 2011. In the 60,000 round stress test the XM8 outperformed all other models. All three prospects combined malfunctioned less that the M4 alone. I'm very excited about this transition. Researchers are also testing terminal ballistic effects on target. That makes a lot of sense. It is very obvious that it was not done before. The 6.8mm SPC is also swirling around. I think it will be fielding inside Special Operations Command but joe will keep the .223. Here's a look at the three. I personally think the XM8 will reign. Now if we can just get the M9 replaced with ANYTHING.
From left to right: H&K XM8, FN SCAR, H&K 416
1 comment:
I think the XM8 looks the coolest... if looks play anything into it.
Somewhere a CoD6 developer right now is taking notes...
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