14 October 2008

Hard Times

I'm in one of those unique professions that you become more important as situations get worse. The awesome thing about my job (optimistic?) is that I often get to see how little it takes for a person to survive. Do we need flashy cars, huge houses, and the latest in technology? I don't think so. I sometimes get by living under canvas, eating mass production food, and sharing a few cars with 100 dudes. If you bought a house too big, drive too much, eat out too much, and don't budget there are hard times now and in your future. I'm not saying I don't enjoy these American tendencies. I'm saying that we need a strong plan B. A stronger sense of community would also help (church).

The masses are too comfortable and this is our greatest weakness as a country. Terrorist cells abroad will not let this opportunity pass. Some analyst are saying an attack could be planned after the election to greet the new president. I hope they are wrong.

The gas crisis and the recent financial issues have made me wonder how many current North Americans can process their own food. Much less, keep themselves healthy enough to get by if needed. I'm not a survivalist freak by any means but the government can only do so much. The last thing we need right now is more reliance on government systems and money. Anyone can see how carelessly it is thrown around right now. We'll see what happens.

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