22 December 2008

Gear Update

I've been updating and upgrading a lot of gear lately. Two items that I have found I will no longer be able to do without:

Vickers Tactical Sling: This sling is awesome, it allows you to adjust your sling with your non-firing hand. This is handy for carrying an M4 style rifle with and without body armor and most importantly when
 switching between the two very often. It is pleasant not to have to deal with the crap slings that I've tried for years. The other slings have too many straps hanging off and a strap that can block the sight pictures. This sling lies very flat against the body. The down-side for me is that it doesn't fit the M16 platform very well. The side-mounted sling swivels are a must. You can purchase the M16 adapter but it is bulky and ugly. The universal drawback is the price at around 50 USD. I'll pay it though.

Blackhawk Serpa Holster: I just got this item today for my Kimber Warrior (yes, it provides clearance for the rail).  It has a paddle and a belt configuration and keeps the pistol close enough to the body to carry concealed. The price is right to at around 35 USD. I've seen the military version with the paddle, belt, and molle configurations. The belt configuration is my favorite even with body armor. I have to have one for the M9; unfortunately I will have to put an M9 in it!

19 December 2008

6.8 SPC revisited

While I was away I got to run by Mom and Dad's house and go to a nice dinner with them. It was a good time. Dad and I were discussing the 6.8SPC. You're in luck Dad, here's the lefty in 6.8. Check it out at Stag Arms. It retails for a mere 1,095.00.

A guy commented on another post of mine that .223 AR magazines can be used in the 6.8 SPC with no modification and he may be correct. However, the 6.8 SPC magazines on the market now have different followers, different thicknesses, and different feed rails. I wouldn't trust my life, hunt, or day at the range to a mag not designed for use in the 6.8 SPC. Spend a grand on a rifle and just a few more bucks on the proper mags! The moral of the story is that I need a right-handed version. Just the upper, really.

I know the 6.8 SPC was based on the .30 Newton cartridge so that it would fit in the standard AR-15 upper but I think a .308 AR-10 would be cool with a .277 barrel to fire a .270-08. That's a .308 case necked-down to a .277 bullet. I know, too similar to a 7mm-08. It would still be cool though. It would also be short, and short is all the rage right now.

Back from FT Stewart

I haven't blogged in a while so I have a lot to say. Time's getting short here at home so I'm spending every possible moment at home with the girls. I just got back from FT. Stewart for a week. This provided me with a glimpse of how much I will miss them when I go on the big trip. Quite a challenge ahead. I'm glad to be home but just found out we'll be working Monday when we thought we would be off. Just the first of many "bummer" situation to come in this whole process. Like being away isn't bad enough. Anyhow, enough complaining.

I met a guy at FT Stewart that had the "President's One Hundred" tab. It is the most rare tab in the Army so it's pretty cool to see one. Click here to read more about it. He was an officer which is even more rare. He hooked me up
 with some great load data that I can't share due to the "hot" nature of the loads. I got more from this than the entire week-long course.

28 November 2008

New Gear

I've got some new gear recently. I decided that I wasn't going to get anything that I didn't need. I could spend thousands of dollars on tactical gear in about 5 minutes. Here are some of the things I decided I needed.

The knife is the Desert Cruiser from Colombia River Knife and Tool. It is build really heavy
and has a tone of features including: a safety lock in support of the blade lock for deliberate use, a Teflon coated opening mechanism, and a non-slip, zytel handle. The quality of this knife is way higher than the price. I got it on post for 54.00.

My other recent purchases are from Oakley. Some people I worked with this past summer that are "in the know" said these were the best. The boots are just like these without the shiny O. I also plan on purchasing the Garmont T8's. I like the idea of a proven hiking boot company getting into the military boot business. Boots have come a long way since I came in. It used to take months to brake-in boots. Now it takes minutes.

The sunglasses are the improved M-Frames that are more blast resistant and lower profile. The old ones stuck out too far at the temple and got in the way of night-vision (clear lenses) and the helmets. Much better design but they don't look as civilian. Bummer. 

25 November 2008

Vacation Pics

More vacation pictures:

More fun in Blue Ridge

Here are the pictures I promised:

23 November 2008

Traveling Day

Today started my first full day of vacation for the Thanksgiving holiday. Vanessa, Ellie, and I started off this morning by heading to Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. We met Dusty and Lauren for the service. . Yes, at church. It was great but our church is much cooler. I sold Pat's Springfield GI 1911 finally, yes, at church. After the service we went to Calhoun to my office. Yea, my first day of vacation I had to go by the office! Luckily it didn't take very long. We left Calhoun and came here to Blue Ridge, GA. We have a couples cabin until Wednesday. It has been awesome so far. I'll post some pictures soon. I'm really glad gas went down or I would have went broke today. Anyhow, let the vacation continue! We don't have cell service so email if you need me.

19 November 2008

Professional Reading

I've been amped up lately about professional reading now that we know more about where we're going. I've become obsessed with taliban tactics. Here's a couple of book reviews:

Kill Bin Laden by Dalton Fury:
Dalton Fury was the Delta Force commander during the Tora Bora assault. He highlights how the Afghan people fight (mostly how they don't) and the corruption that exist in their ranks. If you want to study the people read this book! It's not an action thriller because no Americans fired a shot! They sure coordinated air support though.

Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell was a Navy SEAL on a four-man team that got compromised in the same Hindu Kush region. It's a great action packed book that honors those that didn't survive. It's a great look into taliban tactics. It was too heavy on SEAL training especially because I've already become familiar with SEAL training. There is a great lesson in there about trusting the instincts that military training gives you and going against what might feel right because we're westerners.

17 November 2008

High Tempo Continues

Schedule update:
1-5 DEC: UMO course at FT. Stewart
5-17 DEC: ETT course back in Kansas
5-31 JAN: FT McClellan AL
10-28 FEB: Here at FT. Polk LA
1 MAR: Camp Shelby MS

The good news is that we'll be in the southeast.

Today was painfully slow but productive. It was great to talk to the other commanders and develop and compile the most important publication for a fighting force. The tactical standard operating procedure. The taliban should surrender now.

16 November 2008

God is here, even at FT Polk

We had a Bible study tonight in our hotel lobby. It was awesome to realize the desperation that non-believers experience before deployment. Great turnout for such a tough crowd. There is nothing better than being around other believers and getting fired-up about spreading the gospel. If we can get 30 minutes a night I'll be happy.

LTP is boring but essential to staff running like a well-oiled machine. If nothing else we're getting to know our chain-of-command and learning our future roles as staff officers. I hope the intensity picks up a little tomorrow.

Getting it right

Last night Vanessa had a horrible nightmare. She woke up very upset. The weird thing is that I woke up too for seemingly no reason at the same time. We often have the same thoughts at the same time no matter how random. Are we really that connected? I couldn't ask for a better wife and best friend. There is also no better mother. I can't wait to spend some time with my girls over Thanksgiving break.

14 November 2008


Leadership Training Program is generally a painful process. We'll see how it goes starting tomorrow. I am somewhat optimistic as usual. This area is everything I thought it would be and less. That's right, less. The room we are staying in has a 1985 feel and smells like cat urine. Not what you would expect at all for 120.00 per night. The carpet is wet from cleaning and it wasn't given a chance to dry. Hopefully tomorrow this place will clear out a little so that we can move rooms. Until then I will be furious. This may become a field operation before this is over. This may be a long week. I hope they have a good gym. We'll see in the morning. 

I miss Vanessa and Ellie. Maybe I will get a chance to talk to them tomorrow for a longer amount of time.


Here we go again waiting on a plane. The delay gives me Yuma flashbacks for sure. We'll be back on Friday night around 9pm or so. It should make an interesting ride home.

My former employee goes to trial today and it seems like they might do the sentencing  right after the trial. I hope he get exactly what he deserves. After today hopefully I can get him pushed so far out of the military that he will never be able to join again. It should be easy if the charges fall correctly. We'll see what happens.

I spent last night in Chattanooga TN with Dusty and Lauren. I went to Bible study with Dusty and it was a blast. It's always fun to meet other believers. We may have to visit their church sometime soon.

01 November 2008

Relaxing day at home

Today was a great time. I got to lay in the bed with Vanessa and Ellie this morning like I love to do on the weekends. We had a block party and met several of our neighbors that we didn't know. Far more people showed up than I expected. We had a lazy afternoon and then went to have some sushi. We walked around the Avenue and did some shopping. I bought a couple of books about Afghanistan to read on the trip to Kansas. We bought Ellie a couple of books as well. One of them is her first book of Bible stories. What a great time. I'll miss my girls again next week but it will be another great homecoming next week!

attitude confirmed

I spent the last week in a training course designed to be a train-the-trainer. Overall it was a good course. What really got my attention was the soldiers from the support unit that couldn't fight there way out of a paper sack. They were useless with the weapons and more useless with tactics and maneuvering. Jessica Lynch has nothing on these people. I've always made fun of them but I thought it was just useless bravado. I hope we can bring some of them in during our mobilization training and show them at least how to defend themselves. I guess they don't understand the magnitude of the situation they are about to encounter.

On a positive note it was great to see the guys from the former E Troop all in the same place again. We'll see how Kansas goes; I'm hoping for some Internet availability.

25 October 2008

Crazy Schedule

I'll be kind of busy for the next little while. I'm going to miss my girls for sure.

26 OCT-1 NOV more grunt training in Savannah

2-7 NOV workshop for leadership in Leavenworth KS

8-9 NOV drill

15-22 NOV staff battle sim in Louisianna

22 October 2008

All is quiet

I've been really busy lately but I've been home. It is the "calm before the storm." Next week I will be at Ft. Stewart near Savannah and the week after that I will spend at Ft. Leavenworth, KS. I look forward to the training and knowledge. It's nice to watch the battle-focused training step up as mobilization nears. It's harder and harder to find some quiet time.

Yesterday we talked about irony and how to explain it to 8th grade students. Today I ran across several ironic situations. A guy that is unemployed but has no time, a guy that gets a raise but has no desk or computer, a fuel pump for a 79 corvette is over 10 times cheaper than for a Nissan Exterra. Weird

I'm looking forward to a lunch with Dusty tomorrow. No one is more excited about discussing God's word. There's a range 10 minutes away from my new job too. Dusty and I might be hanging out a lot soon. 

I'm also ready to see Mom and Dad.

16 October 2008

Replacement for the M4

The Army is looking for a replacement for the M4. Word on the street is that it will start showing up in summer 09. Realistically we can look for it about 2011. In the 60,000 round stress test the XM8 outperformed all other models. All three prospects combined malfunctioned less that the M4 alone. I'm very excited about this transition. Researchers are also testing terminal ballistic effects on target. That makes a lot of sense. It is very obvious that it was not done before. The 6.8mm SPC is also swirling around. I think it will be fielding inside Special Operations Command but joe will keep the .223. Here's a look at the three. I personally think the XM8 will reign. Now if we can just get the M9 replaced with ANYTHING.
From left to right: H&K XM8, FN SCAR, H&K 416

14 October 2008

Hard Times

I'm in one of those unique professions that you become more important as situations get worse. The awesome thing about my job (optimistic?) is that I often get to see how little it takes for a person to survive. Do we need flashy cars, huge houses, and the latest in technology? I don't think so. I sometimes get by living under canvas, eating mass production food, and sharing a few cars with 100 dudes. If you bought a house too big, drive too much, eat out too much, and don't budget there are hard times now and in your future. I'm not saying I don't enjoy these American tendencies. I'm saying that we need a strong plan B. A stronger sense of community would also help (church).

The masses are too comfortable and this is our greatest weakness as a country. Terrorist cells abroad will not let this opportunity pass. Some analyst are saying an attack could be planned after the election to greet the new president. I hope they are wrong.

The gas crisis and the recent financial issues have made me wonder how many current North Americans can process their own food. Much less, keep themselves healthy enough to get by if needed. I'm not a survivalist freak by any means but the government can only do so much. The last thing we need right now is more reliance on government systems and money. Anyone can see how carelessly it is thrown around right now. We'll see what happens.

13 October 2008

It's been a while

Generally I don't have enough for the bulleted list but here it goes:

- Went shooting today with Steven and Scott, I shot well and so did everyone else. We should. My .223 reloads shot the tightest with zero malfunctions. The .270 reloads were perfect as well shooting .5 in groups all day.  Scott got laid-off from the engineering firm so he's going to do America's dirty work for the big dollars again. I could tell he wasn't too upset. What a stellar guy.

-Steven, good luck at ranger school, drink the cool-aid and embrace the suck. Good luck trying to be the grey man. (The grey man goes unnoticed; he's not the best and not the worst)

-Catalyst was unlike anything I have ever seen. Leadership is leadership in any capacity but none is more important. It's been a long time since I was inspired by someone. I need to study more. I look forward to Dusty coming to work in Calhoun. We get some serious Bible studying in just about anywhere with any amount of time.

-Driving to Calhoun is rough, I'm excited about gas going down for sure.

-It's been great hanging with the family this weekend. I love picking up Ellie from next door a little early. We get some quality time in before mom gets home.

-We missed the Sauls at church this weekend. We've been praying for Jason's brother's quick recovery.

-Looking forward to starting back on my training program tomorrow. It's great after a long drive.

01 October 2008

223 cost analysis complete

Well I've finally done the cost analysis on reloading the .223. Here's the roll-up on how much it costs per shot:
Brass: .21        Remington Bulk
Bullet: .07      55 gr. hornady FMJ
Powder: .06  Hodgdon 4895
Primer: .03    Winchester Small Rifle

That's right. .37 a shot, initially. Commercially loaded ammo runs about .50 a round so this is a huge savings. Also keep in mind that the brass can be used multiple times. So you can divide the price of brass by 8-10 depending on the number of uses I can get out of a given case. This brings the cost to between .18-.20 per shot.  So we're looking at a difference of .50-.20 = .30 per shot savings.  It'll take me only 1,000 rounds of .223 to pay off my Dillon 550B. I also reload for my .45 ACP. I haven't done a detailed cost analysis on the .45 yet but that further reduces the cost of my reloading.

And by the way, the Dillon 550B is metal so I will be able to sell it one day for at least what I have in it. Reloading the .223 is worth it if you shoot over 1,000 over the life of your .223. This doesn't include the extra ability to customized your own ammo.

27 September 2008


I've finally got a chance to hang out with the family and work on the room downstairs. The walls are painted and the doors are hung. I've heard three people in the last day or so talk about a much easier kind of tape to use for the drywall. Where were they a month ago! All we have left is carpet, ceiling, and a few finishing touches. I'm hoping Korey can move in by Friday.
I'm definitely ready for the deer stand tomorrow morning. I get to keep Ellie tomorrow too! I think I'm hunting in a good spot despite the public land issue. It reminds me of a place a killed lots of deer before we moved off the 1,000 acre lease. The terrain and vegetation is very similar. I'm already going to have to plus-up the clothes for the cool morning. The only thing that would make it better is a rifle. We'll see what happens.

21 September 2008

Why I Hunt (even when it's cold)

This weekend I was going to run a 5k but decided to sleep-in instead. It was wonderful to spend some time with Vanessa and Ellie. Sleep-ins don't actually contain sleep anymore but it was fun being lazy for a change.

The rest of the weekend I hunted with Dan Barnes from church. It felt great to get back in the woods. The chance to calm down, sit in silence, and enjoy God's creation is amazing. People always ask, "How do you sit in a tree for 4-5 hours without moving just waiting on a deer?" 4-5 hours seems very short when you reflect on the people you love, personal relationships, people you miss, people you hope you never see again, things that need to be done, things you should have done, mistakes you have made, things to improve, and so on. I guess you get the point. If a deer shows up, great.

Other advantages are out there. Introducing kids to the sport allows them to become familiar with archery, marksmanship, navigation, knife handling, anatomy, basic survival skills, knot-tying, maintaining equipment, responsibility, time-management, and more. I'd have to say it has made me a much more competent Soldier.

Memories are the element of hunting I cherish the most. You can't lose them very easily, nobody can take them away from you, and you can use them any time you want. Every time I go to the woods I think about how it used to be hunting with the upper two generations of my family. It will never be that way again, but it was. I'm sure Pa would get a huge kick out of me hunting on public land with a bow, or anywhere with a bow for that matter. 

11 September 2008

Lives lost and warriors created

7 years ago the United States came together as terrorism again became a domestic issue. Mothers, Fathers, Sons, and Daughters we killed in miserable ways. Terrorism was a real threat before the attacks as exemplified through the bombing of the USS Cole near Yemen and the first bombing of the World Trade Centers. Both military action incidents were called off by the Clinton administration because they feared collateral damage.

In the following article, foxnews.com outlines terrorist attacks since 11 SEP 2001 that have been foiled due to countermeasures created by the Bush administration. Good work to the agencies responsible but keep in mind these are phase 1 failures. Phase 1 being, "Kill terrorist and extremists on their own soil."

Great progress has been made in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Soldiers, Marines, and those that support them tell the real story. The attacks on SEP 11 2001 back lashed on the parties responsible. More warriors were created on that day than any other in American history. I'm happy to serve with all of them. I'm proud of my country, those who served before me, and those that support freedom. I am most proud that islamic extremists that hate America don't sleep well because they know Americans are coming to the darkest regions of the world to kill them and win.

More reloading

This evening Steven and I fired up the reloads for his 300 SAUM. It is a Remington 673 and it's pretty awesome. We loaded Nosler Partitions and Nosler ballistic tips. The ballistic tips shot better. Here are the loads we tried:

Remington Brass
Federal Large Rifle Primers
63gr. IMR4350
150 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips

Remington Brass
Win Large Rifle Primers
63gr. IMR4350
150 gr. Nosler Partition

A guy had a new FN 5.7 at the range. It's like a little ar-15 in your hands with a 20 round mag capacity!

I finally got my Dillion 550 running smoothly with .223 ammo! When I do the "per round" cost analysis I'll post it on here. The Dillon 550B rocks when you get it set perfectly but until then it haunts the back of your mind.

The loads published here are intended only for the rifle in which they were used. These loads should not be duplicated without consulting a legitimate reloading manual. Your results may vary because of the condition of your equipment.

09 September 2008


The liberal news media has gone nuts with the allegations that a coalition air strike killed civilians in Pakistan. With EVERY air strike there are eyes on the ground conducting target acquisition using various techniques and using the most technologically advanced equipment that the world has to offer. Aircraft do not fly around and pick out targets like North Hollywood would have you believe. Ground troops reported that they were receiving direct enemy fire from the building that was demolished in the air strike and that is enough for me. More significantly, this is good enough for the rules of engagement.

Unfortunately when bad people bring violence to their country with their actions, in this case allowing terrorist training camps to operate freely for 20 years, civilians will die. Eventually civilians will get sick of violence and realize the terrorist they harbor are bringing the violence with them. It's our job to provide that violence and allow no safe-haven for people that bring harm to humanity regardless of borders and foreign policy.

Measured response is just that and will lead to an everlasting tit-for-tat that does nothing except equip the terrorist of tomorrow with the ideology necessary to hate the western world. Measured response is a game that cannot be won. It's time to put risk aversion behind us clean up Iraq and Afghanistan via anywhere. Yes that includes Egypt, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and domestically, in our own back yard. Given the gross negligent, risk aversion tactics (or non-tactics) of the Clinton Administration several of our adversaries are still alive to continue attacks on Americans abroad and at home.

28 August 2008

Change of Plans

Plans are very interesting. I and many others get paid good money to make plans. Nothing ever goes according to our plans. We planned to go to Monterey, CA to the Navy Post-Graduate School to take a course on Afghanistan. We ended up stuck in Yuma, AZ for 2 nights and 3 days doing nothing.

If that wasn't enough. I found out that I will not be able to go to Ft. Benning in September unless some money shows up or the situation changes dramatically. This is perfect because I passed up several other schools and another semester of master's classes for this opportunity. 

All is not lost because it will be a great time hanging out with Vanessa and Ellie until deployment. Who knows what else God has planned for me down the road. Every once in a while I need a reminder to stop trying to figure everything out and it has never been more clear.

On to new business, where am I going to hunt!

26 August 2008

California Trip (maybe)

Yesterday at 6am we started our trip to Monterey, CA. We sat in the waiting area in Warner Robins four about 3 hours. After we loaded up they informed us we would stop for fuel in Oklahoma City and in Yuma, AZ. Evidently there was some trouble on the landing in Yuma. I'm not sure if the problem caused the landing or the landing caused the problem but it was a rush either way. So here we are in Yuma. The local economy clearly wasn't ready for an extra 100 people. It took us several hours to check-in. We're trying again to head to Monterey. We're all wondering what this will do to our class. Will we get credit if we show up a day late to a 3 day course?

21 August 2008


The most versatile cartridge is often discussed when magazine editors are short on articles to fill the pages. American Rifleman's top 10 rifle lists caused some hype for sure. The issue is too many variables. They reviewed rifle-cartridge pairs as opposed to rifles and maybe cartridges the next month. The average reader would disagree with one or both elements.

Anyway, the most versatile big game cartridge is by far the .270 Winchester. For years and years it has but down big game time after time all over the United States. The magic of the .270 is the bullet velocity/weight/frontal area combination. The 3,000 fps mark allows any bullet to perform as intended and 130-150 grains is plenty of weight. The magnums out there can out-perform but not without more powder, more muzzle blast, and more recoil.

The most versatile varmint round is the .243 Winchester. It's a necked-down version of the .308 just like the .260 Remington and the 7mm-08. It can do the varmint thing with 50 grain bullets and covers the bottom spectrum of North American big game with 100 grain bullets. Not to mention that the .243 is a competent competition round. It has even been showing up at 1,000 yard matches with the 6.5's.

A rifle should be judged as a rifle, not the cartridge it throws. The Remington 700 wins my most versatile vote. It has been around my entire life and continues to kill animals and bad guys world wide, with the help of a skilled marksman and quality optics. It has good out-of-the-box accuracy and may be the most popular custom rifle platform save the Mauser 98.

Most significantly, the best rifle is one that is adequate for what you are doing and shoots where you look. If you don't know what I'm talking about keep looking.

If you're bored to death now just check out this picture of Ellie.

12 August 2008

Reloading 300 SAUM

I'm going out on a limb and reloading the 300 SAUM. At $41.00 for a box of 20 who can afford not to reload. I'm not a fan of the magnums but I figured we would give it a go. The ballistics are very similar to the 300 winchester magnum. I don't see anything wrong with the 300 winchester magnum but short actions are just awesome.  Here's the load if you were wondering:
Remington Brass
180 gr. Nosler Partition
Winchester Mag rifle primers
63 gr. of IMR 4350 (medium-slow)

This load is only safe for a rifle in good condition that is functioning properly. Do not attempt to duplicate this load without first consulting a commercial reloading manual.

Mercedes 300 TD running like a champ now

Well the car is back up and running strong. Mercedes Benz just installed the trap oxidizer delete, a new turbo, and new exhaust free of charge. Evidently the recall, or what Mercedes calls a campaign is still open since 1996. Their customer service at RBM North was outstanding. I love driving the car because I get twice as much mileage out of a tank. It is pretty awesome to have it going again.  If you have an older diesel Mercedes-Benz and it's running ragged or seems to have a clogged exhaust, take it to the dealership before the campaign ends!

On another note, I have stepped up my physical training program. My intensity just hasn't been there. I also think I need to work on my swimming form. I think a triathlon may be in my near future if I can get this swimming thing down. I guess another implied task would be to get a bike. 

28 July 2008

Thoughts for this evening

1. First of all, Vanessa and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on Friday and she gets more and more awesome every day. Tonight I attributed this to her terrible short-term memory. We're a match made in heaven for sure.
2. Ellie smiled at me for the first time today and nothing of this world will every compare to that.
3. Panther Arms already makes the 338 federal in an AR-10 platform. I was correct saying that it was a good idea but it had already been executed.
4. We met our new prospective partner church and they seemed awesome.
5. Pat got an awesome 79 Corvette that is not amphibious evidently.
6. The new .45 loads are sweet! 4.7 grns. of win 231, 200 gr. rainer bullet, mixed brass, win LP primers. The new reloading press is also awesome. I recommend a Dillion RL550B to anyone that has a semi-auto. When I get the automatic primer feed functioning for large primers I will really be in business.
7. I hope we have all of our IT equipment tomorrow at the inventory.
8. Evidently I am going to Monterey CA for a week at the end of August for a counter insurgency commander's course. The uniform is civies! The "hey you" details seem to get better as I go up in rank.
9. The coupon I thought I had was $20.00 off, not 20% as I originally thought so I just ordered one Nikon 6-18x40 mil-dot scope. It will find a nice home on top of the Rifleman's rifle. I plan to shoot it this year in the 600 meter open at River Bend Gun Club. I will also try to find some F class long range shoots at Ft. Benning.

17 July 2008

New Reloader and Reloading Thoughts

It was time for an upgrade on a reloader. I finally made the jump to a progressive press. Only because I got a deal on it of course. I upgraded to the Dillon RL550B. Dillon claims 400-600 per hour but we'll see. I'm sure this speed is at the cost of quality. You can't beat the "feel" of the single stage press. I've decided to only load my high-volume loads like the .45 ACP and the .223 Remington. My line of thought is that a semi-auto needs a progressive press to feed it. I will continue to load precision rifle rounds for bolt and lever guns on the Rock Chucker 4 single-stage. We should be up and running in a few days.

I was reading up on the .338 federal yesterday. I think an encore barrel in this chambering is in order. There's something magical about a short-action case that can put a 220 grain bullet on target at .308 velocities. The .338-06 didn't make it on the commercial market but I think the .338 federal might do it. I believe that it will be more popular for the same reason the .308 edged out the 30-06 as the military round back in the 1950s. It's a lot shorter with similar performance. The word is efficiency. I wonder how long it will take an AR-10 manufacturer to introduce this chambering. My money is on Panther Arms being the first.

I haven't forgot the 6.8 SPC. I think this might be another encore venture. There is something cool about a round designed specifically to kill enemies of the United States. Patriotic. I'm not sure if I could justify the single-shot with a round designed to fit the AR-15 platform. We'll see. I may just have to call it a .270 short. I wonder if there is a .270-08 out there somewhere?

15 July 2008

Our first night away without Ellie

We had a pleasant evening thanks to Mom. She kept Ellie for a while so Vanessa and I could go out and have some fun. We went to a new Italian place in Gainesville and it was awesome. We followed up with a game of mini-golf and some coffee. I could tell she had a great time but couldn't wait to get back to Ellie. I hope she had a wonderful birthday.

Thanks Mom for keeping Ellie for a while.

Korey brought up an interesting concept a few days ago. I'm not historically a huge fan of Taurus pistols but they're on to something here. It's "The Judge." It is essentially a revolver available in a 3 or 6 in barrel. It has a huge cylinder to accept .410 ga shotgun shells. It looks pretty silly to me but for a car gun it might be pretty cool. It also accepts the .45 long colt bullets which is another feature. This would also make a great trail gun for hikers or backpackers. The .410 would be great on small game at reasonable distances.

14 July 2008

Web Gallery

Here is the link to our web gallery:


07 July 2008

Catching up

Well I did it. I finally drug myself to the verizon store and picked up a blackberry 8330. I realized today how much my cell phone knowlege lags behind. I decided to get with the program by blogging from my new phone.

Little Ellie's first doc visit was today. Everything checked out fine. They're having us watch for signs of colic though. I'll let you know at 4am what I think. This is only her fourth night home so we'll see.

The Barnes family brought us dinner tonight and it was awesome. Jake is getting big. Christine helped deliver Ellie so she and Vanessa are a lot closer now. Dan and I already go way back from our interesting choice to attend a military college.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

06 July 2008

The New 50 cal

That's right. The M2 .50 cal machine gun is getting a little brother. Evidently the Army is planning on fielding it around 2010. It is smaller and lighter with less recoil. It is currently being tested in several locations. I am interested in seeing if it will become a man-portable platform and if it has any credibility as a tripod-mounted sniper weapon. It is supposedly more accurate than the M2. Remember that the M2 holds the record for the longest recorded sniper kill at 2500 meters. The Soldiers interviewed made it clear that the M2 will not be replaced but it will be supplemented.

Anyway, here is the link at global security


Observations of Fatherhood

I have a wonderful relationship with God (always improving), a wonderful wife, and a beautiful (currently screaming) baby Ellie. Life comes with challenges but these three elements of my life make it more than worth it. I've realized a few things since I've become a father.
-I get just under one year now to earn father's day
-I need to get Vanessa her own cell plan or get an additional job $$$$$$$
-I carry as much stuff for Ellie as I do for the Army (rucks need wheels like strollers)
-Vanessa is actually superwoman in disguise
-Ellie poops a lot and on a lot
-0 time belongs to me
-The washing machine will never stop running again
-I can't spend a week in a hospital room doing nothing and then run 5 miles without almost dying

Just a few observations. I'm sure more will follow when Ellie has more that 2 days at home. I'm really glad that I get a strange sense of accomplishment from otherwise unfavorable circumstances.

02 July 2008

Ellie Kate Miller

On Sunday Vanessa gave birth to Ellie. She was really a trooper through the whole thing. I was impressed with her ability to cope with everything. The whole process was amazing. We are blessed to have such great family and friends to support us. God has truly given us a gift. I look forward to going back home and finding our new routine. I'm sure that things will never be the same but I am okay with that. I also look forward to the new experiences that Ellie's life will bring us. Having my own family is awesome.

25 June 2008

Things that suck

COMCAST! Comcast service sucks, their customer service sucks, and their company sucks. For the past two weeks or so my Internet has been so slow that I would fail if I was in school right now. It is also very annoying when playing online video games. I think Call of Duty 4 is getting old but the moral of the story is Comcast sucks.

On the topic of things that suck. The United States' ability to compete with foreign information warfare. Every time a kid gets killed overseas it is an American's fault according to the local authorities (can you really say authorities yet?). The other day when the Pakistani army was firing on US forces on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan they got lit up. An air strike killed some 11-13 Pakistani army. Pakistan told their people that the United States attack was unprompted. I'm sure this is complete BS if you know what kind of approval you need for a 500 lbs bomb.

These unfortunate souls that live in caves and shanties have been kept uneducated by their own government, hate America because we suck at information warfare. They all go by the WIIFM theory. That's "what's in it for me!" If we can give these people the information we have and some sort of quality of life that will keep everything peaceful for a few minutes. Then they will screw it up again but we know that going in.

Here's another idea. Let's quit kissing Israel's rear and maybe the Muslim world won't hate us so much. If anybody knows why we support Israel's every move please let me know.  Anyway, we suck at information warfare and we will continue to suck at it until we start using our technology and help these people out.

23 June 2008

Weekend Events

What an interesting weekend.  I ended up going to drill this weekend after all with my new unit. My first impression was pretty harsh but it got a little better as time went on. I took a surprise PT test and it went well considering I just got back from NTC and I'm just getting back into the whole workout routine. I finished first out of about 70 on the run which surprised me. All of the extra running I have been doing has paid off. More on the unit later.

Pat took the 4-wheeler to David for me at church even though I wasn't there. Maybe there is hope for it after all. I can't wait to see what happens after someone that knows what they are doing has a look at it.

The basement project has progressed. I just finished what I consider phase 2, the wiring, and yes it all works. Phase 3 is the step I dread most, drywall. We'll see how it turns out. I may check out some internet tutorials before I dive in.

I'm reading a really good book right now on Afghanistan. Michael Scheuer writes in a very straight forward fashion and he calls people out by name that have not done their job. He was a CIA guy for 20 years and actually holds people accountable. Hopefully this idea will spread.

Vanessa and I had a nice quiet dinner tonight in Cumming. It was great to sit together and talk. We have started doing a nightly devotional and it has been great for both of us.

19 June 2008

Remington does it again

They're never first but they always end up with a high-quality product. Remington has introduced their version of the "black rifle." It's the new R-15. I would bet that someone is actually making it for them. Some of the cooler features include a flat-top design, free-float aluminum handguard, muzzel crown, low-profile gas block, single stage trigger, and several I probably can't think of right now. What I am most suprised about is the price; $1199 is somewhat competitive. I believe the only drawback is the current chamberings of the .204 Ruger and the .233 remington. I'm sure Remington has left themselves some room to grow with a similar design somewhere in the future with the .308 case family in mind.

On a different note the basement finishing project is doing very well. Framing is 100% complete and the wiring is half way done. I'll have some pictures posted soon of the progress. I'm very happy with the monster closet that was designed "on the fly." Now all I have left is the rest of the wiring, insulation, flooring, doors, and the ceiling.

13 June 2008

6.8 SPC

I'm really excited about this semi-new round. It was created for Special Operations Command to replace the 5.56 because enemy forces are staying in the fight when hit with 5.56. It is essentially a .270 bullet with a .30 Newton case shortened and necked down. This makes a lot of sense because the .270 Winchester is probably the greatest deer round of all. Dad and I have often discussed the ability of the .270 Win to drop deer. I guess this was a low tech. discussion of terminal ballistics. It is probably my favorite cartridge to reload because it was my grandfather's favorite round and he left me an outstanding platform to fire it from.

When the 5.56 inadequacy problem surfaced in Mogadishu (not a big surprise to hunters) SOC was charged to created a rifle that could be fired from the M16/M4 platform. They literally needed it to fit on the 5.56 lower with the same magazine dimensions. They needed more knock-down power and better terminal ballistics. I think they did it right. It is amazing to see how ballistically similar the 6.8 SPC and the 5.56 as far as trajectory is concerned. It is the perfect mix between the shock factor of the 7.62 and the trajectory of the 5.56. I think I have to have one.

There are a few drawbacks. A special waffled magazine is needed for the 6.8 SPC. Also, 6.8 is not a NATO round which limits availability. Also, full accuracy potential cannot be achieved because the overall length of the case ends up being determined by the magazine length.

The 6.8 will never be the service round. I understand the idea behind the 5.56 which is to teach common men with no weapon experience to yield good results on the range and on the battlefield with minimal training. I'll simply be ready to justify the 6.8 SPC if anyone ever asks.

Below is the 6.8 SPC beside the 5.56 NATO (.223 Remington)

10 June 2008

Training Material

While sorting through some training material that I aquired from my SF counterparts I found this picture in a briefing. I'm not sure why I love these values posters but they're hilarious. I can see Will York's face on this guy.

07 June 2008

NTC Rotation

Well we're back from the beautiful Mojave Desert.  Luckily the 105 degree temperature when we got their slacked off. I'm going to kill the next person that says, "It's a dry heat out there." We had to weigh before we got on the plane and I weigh 240 lbs. with full gear less ruck sack and ammo. This means if it's above 50 degrees it is uncomfortable. Overall the rotation was great. It was fun working with special forces and learning a few things from them and them learning a few things from us. We got some good, realistic training and made contact with people we will see again on deployment. Nobody got hurt and no equipment was destroyed or lost. This is amazing considering the amount of time, the nature of the training, and being 2,502 miles away from home. Here is a pic of myself and some of 3rd Platoon (the best platoon).

In addition to the fun in the sun at NTC Dusty and Lauren Pinion found out that they are expecting. That is awesome. I think Vanessa and I (mostly Vanessa) helped them decided to have a baby before deployment. What a great day.

While out at NTC working with the SF teams I picked the brain of some of their snipers about reloading and weapons.  They were very excited to see a gun dork outside of their community.
My latest craze is from Central Missouri Machine Gun.

05 May 2008

Today's a Monday

I'm not a fan of group work in a distance learning class.  However, when it is assigned we all have to man up and do it.  We really got lucky only having a group of three because it makes it easier to coordinate.  Is it too much to ask just to do what you say you're going to do?  I enjoy waiting around all evening on something that's not on it's way.  Anyway, we'll finish the last project tomorrow!

I bought some tires today.  That's always a bummer.  They look just like what you had but now I'm $600 in the hole.  The good new is now all my cars have new tires.

04 May 2008

What a wild weekend.  I had drill this weekend.  Saturday consisted of standing in line all day at medical stations followed by taking my final exam.  I don't have any cavities which is cool.  Luckily, Jen and John let us stay at their house while they were out of town.  It worked out really well.  Sunday at drill was the PT test and change of command.  I like the new commander but I'm leaving so it doesn't really matter.  Who knows where I'll end up.

I think the RRA AR-10 is the ticket.  It's actually cheaper than the armalite too.  The name is not everything.  I shot a FN M16 last time and I liked it better than the Colt for sure.  Now the question is stainless or chrome-moly?

30 April 2008

Well I sold the AK.  It wasn't really for sale but everything is really for sale.  I'm going to convert the money into either an AR-10 or a savage switch barrel setup.  I can't decide.  Also, if I take the AR-10 route would I go with Armalite or Rock River Arms.  I like the longer barreled ARs because I use a little one at work.  I always tell people that the M-16 was made to shoot and the M4 was made to carry.  That shorter sight radius is a big deal.

26 April 2008

On-line picture gallery

We're slowly learning how to use this new computer.  Macs are more user friendly for sure.  We are currently at the hospital in Athens with Vanessa's new little brother Cole.  He weighs 8 lbs and is 20 1/2 in long.  This gave us a great opportunity to use our web gallery.  Check out all of our pictures at our picture gallery If it doesn't work copy and paste http://gallery.mac.com/gtmiller21#gallery into your browser.

25 April 2008

Tour De Traffic

No lunch for me due to the Tour de Georgia.

Is this really funny or am I insensitive? I know what Vanessa would say.

24 April 2008

Baby Shower

Today Vanessa's work threw Ellie a baby shower.  It was awesome to see how much support Vanessa has at work.  Her kindness and addictive personality draw great people to her.  God's plan has surely been favorable to us and hopefully we can raise Ellie in a way to mirror her mother.  It was great to see Vanessa open gifts from her friends.  Here is an actions shot.

Half-way through the shower a lady walked up to me crying and said her son was in Iraq and today is his birthday. She had seen me in uniform earlier in the hall.  She abruptly said she had to go and left.  This was a great reminder of the sacrifice everyday people make for the greatest nation on Earth.  It makes it harder to listen to people gripe that don't even have "a dog in the race."

22 April 2008

Back in the groove

It always takes me a few days after I get back to get in the groove but I'm there.  Ft. McClellan was ridiculous.  I can't believe I had never been there in 7+ years.  Today I did something I don't usually do.  I picked up a hitch-hiker.  He wasn't the average hitch-hiker though.  He was 75 years old and leaving a doctors appointment.  He could barely walk.  He only needed to go a few miles.  I figured that if I couldn't take him I needed to quit.

I knocked out a research paper and went to dinner with Pat and Steve tonight.  It was fun.  It's great weather for the top down on Pat's jeep.  I'm sure I'll miss it when I'm at NTC.

As I thought, my ruck appeared the day I left for Ft. McClellan.  I have it now and it is awesome.  I can't wait to load it down with crap and walk across California.

09 April 2008

Special Groups?

According to GEN Petraeus "Special groups" are the new enemy in Iraq.  When asked what conditions would look like for the redeployment of US troops he said, "I'll know it when I see it."  I find this very strange.  It is called an end-state and is part of every military operations order I have ever given or heard.  We make Cadets do it!  You have to describe what you are going to accomplish so that everyone knows when you are done.  It is much more simplistic than a mission statement.  Possibly, like many others this knowledge escaped his head when he was promoted to MAJ across the field-grade divide.  Or maybe it is a result of growing up in a peace-time Army.  I also wonder why he referred to "special groups" instead of an insurgency?  I then remembered that Barak and Hilary were present along with a few hundred other easily confused politicians.  I guess he knows his audience.

08 April 2008

Fun in Chattanooga TN

Here we are in Chattanooga, check out the Ellie bellie!

New Computer

It's been a long time coming but we finally got a new computer.  We decided to switch over to a mac.  It's pretty cool so far.  It'll take some getting used to but it will be better in the long run.  I mostly bought it because the guy selling it to us has one arm.  It was a huge selling point.  I can't wait to see Vanessa use it for pictures.  Maybe we can take some in Chattanooga tomorrow.

On  a different note, the Tremblays are expecting baby Madison any time now.  I can't wait to see her!  I know Christina will be relieved and Paul will be crazy.

05 April 2008

Private Security Contracting

A void was created sometime between Korea and Vietnam after the United States became the kinder, caring, sensitive world police. This void is currently being filled by private security contractors across the world. Their pay is good but the system is set up so that if they are hurt their companies can leave them high and dry. They make it look like they are self-employed. Pay generally ranges from $300-$1200 a day. They have been in the news lately because they are immune from Iraq prosecution and the Iraqi people don't like them because they kill civilians. I blame the Iraqi people for being too lazy to govern themselves. War in Iraq would end if the Iraq people were patriotic and not waiting to be given everything. Until then civilians will continue to die just as every other war.

03 April 2008

Fun continues

Well, as usual, my perfect score in my executive leadership class came to an end with the first test. I got an 87 despite only 3 hours of same-day studying. I hope I can get this masters program knocked out between training events and deployment. We'll see how it goes.

I got a little money from air assault school and I have decided to purchase a tactical tailor ruck sack. I retired my old issue ruck after the 12 mile at air assault. This one will not give me the cool scars that chicks dig but I think I'll be okay. The padding is a lot better and I look forward to the quick release buckles. It's the little things that make the difference. I'll have to take an old one to ranger school if I get a slot in October so I can't get too excited.
I'm also excited about the new levels coming out on call of duty 4 for xbox 360. I guess that officially makes me a video game dork.

Revolutionary Equipment

Leupold, US rifle scope maker, has introduced a revolutionary product. It is the Leupold prismatic scope. It is much like the popular CCO (Close Combat Optic) produced by Aimpoint. The cons of the Aimpoint were obviously considered. Battery life is no longer an issue because the prismatic also has an etched crosshair that can be used if the illuminated reticle is inop. The illumination element in the prismatic can also be removed if it's not needed. If I find myself in charge of procurement and fielding, as I have latley, my Soldiers will carry these! Check them out at http://www.leupold.com/.

Also, welcome back to SGT Trevor Dunn. I knew that he would come back in when the word "deployment" was in the air. I wonder if he reviewed his 260 point reasons not to re-enlist document before signing again?

01 April 2008

Impossible Tax System

So get this. Our tax system is so ridiculous that I used H&R Block free tax software to do my taxes. I owed $1200 after itemized deductions. My brother-in-law Lewis, suggested I go see his CPA. I was reluctant at first because Lewis doesn't really seem like the kind of guy that has a CPA. Nothing against Lewis he is just a true blue-collar guy. I went to the CPA and now we are getting back a ton of money. Not because I did our taxes wrong, but because of several loop-holes that CPAs know about. This is a great example of people with money getting breaks while people without enough money get screwed on their taxes. By the way, the people who make the decision in our country take advantage of our current tax system and don't have the integrity to change to a fair system. From now on I vote for someone who supports the fairtax and suggest that others that want a strong economy do the same. Oh yea, and those that want my vote.

27 March 2008

Wasted Day

Man, life sure has been picking up recently. I drove to Macon today for a meeting that lasted one hour that could have just had the information emailed. It was a boring power point on "new equipment" that we have already used for a couple years. Chalk another one up for government efficiency!

Speaking of government efficiency, the IRS spent 40 million dollars sending out flyers saying that you are getting a check. Wow, who approves this stuff. One day we will get someone with some common since. Until then we will contine to screw ourselves into the ground. By the way, the dollar is worth half a Euro.

Evidently the Guard wants me to go to Ft. McCoy WI instead of Ft. Irwin CA. This would be fine if the dates worked out a little better. I can't be gone right after Ellie is born. We'll get some answers hopefully on Friday. Let's see what happens.

22 March 2008

Unwinding for the weekend

Good News! Granny Burns' surgery went well and the doctors believe she'll be fine. Vanessa and I are going to see her tomorrow afternoon. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for her.

It feels good to finally get a few days off. I'm taking monday to help get things in order arounds the house. We got the BMW back today and everything seems good to go. I'm posting it for sale tomorrow on the internet and putting signs in the window.

My masters program is heating up. I can't imagine what life was like when I had every weekend off. The Guard is also getting crazy. I found out that I will be moving units again! I'll be taking over as XO in Calhoun. I'm not happy about not having a platoon like I was told initially but things change. More responsibility on deployment will be a blessing for sure.

Ellie has been kicking a lot in the past few days. She was kicking hard enough for me to see her tonight. I'm so excited and ready for her to get here.

19 March 2008

Sickness in the Family

Today we found out that Granny Burns has colin cancer and a tumor. It is devastating news but at least they have a direction to go in now. As it turns out she has had it for over two years. Her surgery is Friday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Vanessa and I are going to see her tomorrow at Henry General.

15 March 2008

I'm back from air assault

I'm sick of always reporting to schools with no intel on what it's like so here's a description of Air Assault school run by the Warrior Training Center at Ft. Benning.

First, this course is no joke. The active duty guys showed up thinking that a National Guard run school would be easy. The Soldiers with this attitude failed out very quickly. Soldiers ranked from PV2 to MAJ in this course. We started with 157 students and ended 10 days later with 106.

This school was very mentally and physically intense. If you are training up for this school I would suggest a four month plan working up to 12 miles with a 40 lbs. ruck. They say 25-30 lbs. but it is simply not true. Additionally you will want to run up to four miles in 37 minutes. A general pt plan consisting of flutter kicks, overhead arm claps, and rifle exercises. The best source of information is on the ft. Benning web site. Search WTC. Most of the classes are posted for you to review prior to reporting at the school.

Also, make sure you have everything on the packing list, everything! Be very specific!

28 February 2008


Here are my next training dates just so everybody knows:
March 3-15 2008 Air Assault at Ft. Benning GA
April 14-20 2008 Weapons Qualification at Ft. McClellan AL
May 17-June 7 National Training Center at Ft. Irwin CA

I've been really busy lately trying to get ready for all this. I like to leave everything set at work so that everything will run smoothly. We'll see if it all actually works out. Somehow an annual check-up turned into a full physical today including a typhoid shot. I told them that I already died from typhoid on Oregon Trail in 5th grade so I was immune. They gave me the shot anyway along with hep b and a flu shot (yes, third one this year).

It's always hard to leave my family and home but especially this time. Vanessa cannot lift more than 5 lbs due to her restrictions with Ellie. I wonder if I will be able to tell when I come home that her belly grew? Hopefully I won't be home prior to March 15; Air Assault is a high attrition course.

22 February 2008


I have been a supporter of the fair tax since it's creation. If you don't know about the fair tax check it out at www.fairtax.org. The fair tax calculator is especailly interesting. This would be an alternative to the economy stimulation that is sending out checks this year. Instead of a few billion dollars the fair tax would put a few trillion dollars into the hands of the American people. I wonder how much it will cost the government in printers, ink, postage, and man-hours to send out the economy stimulation checks? Why not just let us keep it in the first place.

The fair tax taxes the everyday citizen and criminals the same. This includes drug dealers, illegal aliens, and mobsters. The most common myth is that it places an additional burden on the lower and middle class. If these critics would only read the books!

Two things have to happen. American people need to reject our current system (using votes) and American decision makers (rich people that benefit from the current system) need to consider what is best for America instead of themselves. I will continue to vote for the best candidate who supports the implementation of the fair tax.

Anyone that loses their job with the IRS can meet me at their local recruiting office and we can put you in a truly helpful, secure government position. If not, the INS needs help with illegal immigration.

Speaking of government efficiency, I went to the tag office yesterday and they would not give me a National Guard tag without a letter from my commander stating that I am currently serving. If I was in charge, I think a military ID would be fine.

16 February 2008

Weekend thoughts

The four-wheeler is running now but barely. If I can only get it to idle smoothly. I need to do a few more things like change the oil and get it cleaned up. Possibly I can have it going by Monday but we'll see. I would like to ride it on the power lines. Maybe Jason will have some input, he knows a lot about carbs and he can do anything.

We got the paint today for Ellie's room. We decided to go with a pale green. I really like it and think it will look good. Now I just have to paint it. How do you spend $100 at home depot and not really get anything?

We have a guest speaker at Summit church tomorrow. I'm looking forward to actually going. It seems like I haven't been in forever. I'm still looking for a job where you never have to work. Let me know if you find one.

The dogs are loving the weather and so am I. I hope it's like this at Ft. Benning in March for air assault but I know better.

15 February 2008

Yesterday was the most awesome Valentines day in a while. We're going to have a baby girl! I'm super excited about the new experiences even if that means registering for baby stuff. Dinner was also nice at the Japanese steak house despite the guy beside us complaining about his food. That is the most annoying thing for me. People here in our own contry don't get to go out and eat and this guy's complaining about his filet. His wife had cancer too by the way. Loser. I hope I never forget what's important. Anyway, it was great for Vanessa and I to get in some us time.

Call of Duty 4 is awesome. It is the most realistic war game ever. The weapons are right on. The following aspects make it realistic:
-target aquisition is just like real life
-direct fire planning would work if you had a chain of command
-you get the "I'm about to die" feeling when you enter an open area
-you can shoot through light walls with heavy weapons
-grenades don't have fire-ball explosions
-you run slower when wounded
-you run out of ammo
-the M14/M1A is a good CQB and long-range weapon

Random thoughts:
-running sprints hurts more and more every year
-old injuries always resurface right before a physically tough school
-sweet potato fries with sugar and cinnamon are awesome
-I'm not shooting in the pistol match tomorrow because of school work, truck tires, and 4 wheeler carb.
-girls night out means guys realize how worthless they are without the other half
-the four-wheeler better run tomorrow or I'll be mad

11 February 2008

business travel

The four-wheeler restoration began today. It's a great time trying to figure out how to get it apart. I think I'll keep some detailed notes on how to get it back together. I got the carb. off and it looks to be the problem. Inside was a broken gasket with some mud and gunk.

3rd Platoon's shaping up despite having to go to court this week on two different cases. Good Soldiers aren't always good at life. There's a lot of potential on the E-4 level. I'm looking forward to making them NCOs before the deployment. Hopefully next month I can get them into some leadership positions during patroling.

As it turns out we're not going to the advanced course. It's good to have a little time at home with Vanessa despite the upcoming training planned for this year. It looks like I'll miss Vanessa's birthday again this year. I think the next one I make might be 2011. I guess a huge present will be in order.

04 February 2008

The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon

Today I ended up becoming very familiar with a M249SAW. This is my least familar weapon issued at the Company level, because I have a heavy CAV background where the M240B/C (7.62) rule. I have fired the SAW from time to time but never disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled until today. I'm secretly glad that they weren't cleaned properly so that I got some time on them. Though I prefer one well-placed shot to 1,000 spray and pray the SAW has it's place on the squad level. The SEALs love it for some reason. I guess they like the wimpy 5.56. The coolest feature is the ability to use m16 magazines but be ready for misfeeds and constant reloads!
An officer should never be too arrogant to clean a weapon they didn't use. It got me some funny looks today but I enjoyed the chance to lead by example. I wonder if the diciples looked at Jesus the same way when he started to wash their feet. The ultimate act of leadership by example.

31 January 2008

It's a girl!

It's a girl! The doctor is not 100% sure but they have clear and convincing evidence and that is enough quanta of proof for me. We're so excited we can't hardly stand it. Our neighbors (and friends) Pat and Melanie are having a boy next door so I started a 15-yr plan to build a high fence! Maybe that would even keep Holly the dog in the yard. It's a no-brainer. I'll just try to grow some grass for right now.

Vanessa got put on bed-rest today until Monday. I love being able to take care of her when she's not actually feeling bad and this will ensure some time at home. Despite the death of the computer power-cord today everything is looking up! Pat bailed us out again for a while so Vanessa could get her lesson plans out. God has an interesting life planned for us and I couldn't be more excited right now.

30 January 2008

The reloading lab

Instead of studying for my test or watching woman tv shows with Vanessa I decided to take a few pictures of the lab. I've been wanting to post some pics for a while and I'm finally getting around to it.

I mostly reload .45ACP, .308 winchester, 30-30 winchester, and .270 winchester even though I have dies for all kinds. I'm looking forward to loading up some cool .243 winchester rounds. Believe it or not, all those calibers use the same shell-holders in the press and in the priming tool. The case tumbler is not pictured because I keep it on a different table so it doesn't influence the scales.
So far I have found the key to safe, accurate reloading is reading the directions. Who would have thought? Keeping detailed records in my notebook and always checking the manual also helps. I generally try to keep only two or three versatile powders around instead of a ton of specific powders. I also work up from the minimum recommended load. If you get too hot primers will blow and the primers will not seat next time. Usually the most accurate load is just over the minimum anyway and that is what I prefer.
Thanks Dad for all the reloading equipment! I'll keep testing it for accuracy until you get ready for it.

Savage 10/110

A friend of my consulted me on the purchase of a savage 10 fp (federal/police) bolt-action .308. As I was telling him about this rifle I realized that it could be the greatest rifle of all times.

The same friend consulted another friend of ours that is currently the commander of the US Army sniper school at FT Benning. He said that, despite their hefty budget for sniper-type weapons, they have several Savage rifles they use often.

What makes the Savage 10 the best?
-free floated barrel
-adjustable accu-trigger
-barrel replacement and interchangeability that anybody can do with the proper tools
-affordability (cheapest quality bolt action ever)
-reliability (it's a bolt-action)
-availability (you can get it at walmart)
-out-of-the-box accuracy that rivals (or beats with handloads) that of custom rifles
-two-piece bolt that you can change the face of to accept different calibers

Police departments are also fans of the Savage 10fp for the above reasons. I have a feeling this will be the next bolt-action rifle that makes it into my safe. In .308 no doubt.

28 January 2008

Leadership obstacles

Drill went off without a hitch. Except for a lost weapon, missing radios, a heart attack, and substance abuse issues. Ha, no real problems. 3rd platoon just needed a dose of tough love with a little accountability to get thing going. My newness has worn off and they are starting to do the right thing. The most senior NCOs need a little more development. The combined 40+ days we have in the field coming up in the next 6 months should sharpen the dull edges. I'm most excited about working with the Special Forces in California.

Having Dusty over on Saturday night was sure a blast. It was fun to take note of what God has done in our lives on the way back. We need to do that more often! He sure has provided us with great wives to keep us headed in the right direction.

23 January 2008

Leadership Blunders

I hate to bring up the former commander and chief but he makes it so easy. Bill Clinton was sleeping at a Martin Luther King function of some type. The videos are all over the Internet. I can't really say that I blame him though. I'm sure it was very boring.

Speaking of leading by example, I had the pleasure of speaking with an idiot yesterday. He personally insulted me, threatened physical injury, and followed up with a speech about professionalism, very ironic. He out-ranks me or I would have demoted him on the spot. I put the mission first and a Soldier's false sense or royalty second. Is it too much to ask to do your easy job for $80,000 a year and be somewhat respectful?

Respect goes up and down the chain of command. Without respect and confidence in their leader(s) Soldiers lose the will to fight and win. This guy has just lost any credibility he has ever had with me and several other Soldiers for sure.

In "The gospel of John" DVD that I watched early in the week I was reminded of the leadership of Jesus. What an amazing example he set for the disciples and others. What a great model to emulate!

21 January 2008

All 3 day weekends must come to an end

Today has been awesome. We found out that the gender of our child will be determined on 14 Feb. Vanessa went to the doctor today and everything checked out well. The heart rate is still in the 150 range. I'm ready for the next ultrasound.

We decided to pick up on watching LOST before the next season starts on Jan 31. This is a huge commitment because we had seen 0 episodes before today. I think we watched 6 episodes today from season one. It's hard to find a show that Vanessa and I both enjoy but I think we found one.

I also did some reloading today. I invented a media/case separator that works really well. I only have a single stage press but it is handy when you're out of components. You can get everything ready despite the missing component(s). Hopefully primers will come through tomorrow.

It's time to brace myself for the post 3-day weekend withdraws. This usually starts with finding my uniform and shaving. Time to look somewhat Soldierly again. Ridiculous workout continues tomorrow with cardio/ab nightmare.

Obama and Osama

Obama is still doing well around the US. I thought that America would never elect another president with no military service. The last one worked out so well. Other than having an affair and lying to the American people. Maybe senator Obama has better values that he picked up in Indonesia or Kenya or his islamic reform school. I'm sure this background will facilitate classic democratic ideas such as taking from those who can and giving to those who won't. Eventually those who can won't, because it will make no difference. When Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines lose the will to fight America is done. Is it time to cash out and move to a tropical climate? We could really use Ronald Regan right now!

The tax system has needed an overhaul for a long time. It has been ignored by politicians because they profit from the loopholes and confusion. They obviously will not help the common people because that puts them on an even playing field. Democratic politician continue to place themselves in the same category as illegal immigrants, drug dealers, and mobsters.

Osama Bin Laden's son is driving a Jeep and speaking against his father. Big deal, every kid denounces his father at some point on some issue but there's nothing more American than a Jeep. I'll be happy when Osama Bin Laden is dead and the Afghan people can operate independently. One day maybe they can even live in the 21st century.